Sunday, 29 November 2015

Sustainable Housing Development

This an elective subject which covers the sustainability of a building.

Ms Mariatul Liza is the lecturer for this subject. Her teaching style is very unique. She is a friendly lecturer. In his perspective, there is no boundary line between lecturers and students. In his teaching, he did not only “teach”, but also to share some life principals with us. Besides, another unique teaching of Ms Liza is that there is no notes at all. In her lecture, she only either go through with some photos which she has taken before in his career, or express her teachings on the white board. Hence, we had a lot fun in her lecture class.

At the end of the semester, I am able to explain the evolving environmental discussion as it applies to housing development and explain the legislative requirements for undertaking sustainable housing development and to apply the implications of sustainability principles in construction projects. Also, I can understand the appropriate assessment that can be used in the planning and monitoring at different stages of sustainable housing development.

Research Methodology

Lecturer: Dr Myzatul Aishah bt Haji Kamarazaly

This module introduce on academic research and provide some in-depth understanding of the research methodology. This module covers the process and techniques of research, research design, identification of the research areas and the preparation of research proposal. At the end of this course, we are able to identify issues, problems and areas of research, identify relevant data and information required for the research, develop data collection techniques, design research process and prepare research proposal.

 I have prepared a research proposal for this topic and literature review on the relevant topic. Throughout his module, I have gained discipline specific knowledge, thinking and problem solving skills, lifelong learning an interpersonal skills.

Measurement 5

Lecturer: Simon Chee Wai Meng & Ramar Subramaniam

This module was taught by two lecturer, where Mr. Simon taught civil measurement using MYCESMM, and Mr. Ramar taught mechanical and electrical installation by using SMM2. The CE measurement includes environmental protection, site investigation, earthworks, geotechnical works, prestressed concrete and railtrack. The M&E works that I learnt to measure are electrical works, cold water installation, sanitary installation, fire protection installation and air-conditioning installation.

The assignment for this module is earthwork measurement by using Simpson's Rule. The assignment is in a group of 6. Through the module, I have learnt discipline specific knowledge, thinking and problem solving skills and lifelong knowledge.

Financial Management

Lecturer: Lai Chee Kin

This module introduces to basic financial management theory and practices for a business. This module emphasized on how business manager trying to maximize the value of the firm, which is the goal of financial management. The topics that I learnt in this module including understanding financial reports, financial forecasting, capital structure and financing options, capital budgeting and managing working capital.

The assignment for this module is to prepare financial forecasting report for a travel company. We are required to prepare cash budgets, pro-forma income statement and pro-forma balance sheet. From the financial forecasting tools, we are also required to comments on the plans and policies of the company. Besides, we also prepared a video presentation for this assignment, which is recorded in the e-quarium. 

From this module, I gained discipline specific knowledge, lifelong learning, thinking and problem solving skills, communication skills and digital literacy.

Building Economics

Lecturer: Dianne Kok Hui Wei

This module provides an overview of the QS's role in pre-tender stage of a development. I learnt various methods of cost controlling of building at the design stage. Furthermore, I was exposed to relatioship between building morphology, design variables and life cycle costing of a building.

The assignment for this module is to prepare pre-tender estimates and tender report. We are also required to prepare a video presentation recorded in e-quarium for the report.

TGCs that I obtained from this module are discipline specific knowledge and thinking and problem solving skills. The knowledge that I gained from this module enable me to put into practice in the future.

Professional Practice 2

Lecturer: Sr Eddie Lim Sek Cheon

In this module, I have learnt different practices in QS professional, which are, construction disputes, delays, claims, setting-off, final account, partial possession by employer, practical completion, penultimate certificates, determination of contractor, building insurances, dispute resolution. These topic are interpreted based on PAM form 2006 (with quantities). At the end of this module, we are explained on other form of contract such as PAM form (without quantities), CIDB Form of Contract and JKR Form of Contract (PWD).

This module consists of 4 assessments, which are seminar (15%), final account assessment (15%), mid-term test (20%) and final examination (50%). The seminar is in a group form, where we need to present on the topic given. In this assignment, we act as consultants assessing on the contractor's final account, and do researches on the solutions to the common problems in final account.

The skills that I acquired through this module outcome discipline specific knowledge as well as thinking and problem solving skills. The knowledge that I gained from this module, enable me to put these theories into practice and understand the ethical issues and professional practice. Besides, this module also train me to think critically on the practical situation, and propose suitable solutions on the problems.