Thursday, 7 July 2016

Project Management

  1. To appreciate the roles and functions of project participants and the organizational forms where they occur.
  2. To develop an awareness of the form and influence of leadership in the project process and the relationships to a project’s success. 
  3. To understand the application of management techniques in the control and direction of project resources. 
  4. To evaluate the dynamic changes which occur during a project’s life cycle and the nature of a project’s success.
Learning Outcomes

  1. Define project characteristics, objectives, organizations and success.
  2. Identify the possible risk that a project manager may face during the process of development.
  3. List a broad knowledge of the professional roles, duties and responsibilities of the Project Manager.
  4. Explain an understanding of the strategies for the execution of the development process in response to the client’s objectives.

Research Dessertation


1) This subject allows me to develop awareness of the current local and global issues in the construction industry.
2) This subject allows me to explore the approaches to research.
3) This subject allows me to demonstrate a systematic and orderly mind to produce a viable academic research.

Learning Outcomes:

1) I am able to use a depth of subject knowledge and apply analytical and research skills in closely defined topic areas.
2) I am able to collect data and information required and analyze data collected using appropriate techniques and tools.
3)   I am able to develop a comprehensive research conclusion and summary.
4) I am able to adopt executive keyboarding to produce project documentation and presentations.

Development Economics


1. This study allows me to comprehend the basic principles of economics and its link to the real world of construction. 
2. This study allows me to develop an understanding of the whole process of property development. 
3. This study allows me to enhance the understanding of the contribution of feasibility study in property development. 
4. This study allows me to understand the overall mechanism of the finance system in the construction industry 

Learning Outcomes:

1. I am able to recognize and recall the contribution of the construction industry to a nation’s growth economy. 
2. I am able to calculate the developer’s budget  during the initial development process. 
3. I am able to execute the Cost-benefit Analysis in the early stage of investment proposal. 
4. I am able to execute the valuation system to help on decision making during the feasibility stage. 
5. I am able to classify various source of finance available in the construction industry 
6. I am able to outline the requirement in a quality market research

Cost Value Engineering


1.  This subject allows me to understand in general the value process, function analysis and team dynamics in the client’s value system.
2.  This study allows me to identify alternatives to undertake value studies at different stage of a project. 
3.  This study enable me to propose a more collaborative effort towards the promotion and awareness of value management in Malaysian construction industry in an effort to achieve value for money invested.

Learning Outcomes:

1.   I am able to identify the appropriate time to carry out Value Engineering throughout different construction phases.
2.    I am able to recognize and recall the contribution of the value engineering /value management in the development process.
3.    I am able to apply the value management to a value outcome in the decision making process.
4.    I am able to analyse the cost and value implications of project scope .and generate a Job-Plan for the implementation of Value Management workshop.

Construction Law


1. This study allows me to understand the general principles on the formation of a contract and remedies in the event of breach.
2. This study enable me to understand the roles and liabilities of architects, quantity surveyors and other professionals in relation to professional negligence and the use of collateral contract.
3. This study enable me to appreciate the laws relating to payments, contractual claims and interpretation rules of ambiguity found in documents.
4. This study enable me to understand the laws relating to land and construction industry with regards to National Land Code, Street, Drainage and Building Act, Uniform Building By-Law, Strata Title Act, etc.
5. This study enable me to appreciate the principles and procedures of litigation, arbitration, adjudication and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) stated by the Malaysian Government and Standard Form of Contract.

Learning Outcomes:

1. I am able to identify, explain and distinguish the various laws related to the construction industry including land law and construction statutes by demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the principles in law, conditions of contract and the applicable statutes.
2. I am able to analyze, interpret and apply this knowledge on the principles of law in administration of contracts and contractual claims including providing evidence of reasoned advice in relation to contractual claims and interpretation of any discrepancies of various contract documents.
3. I am able to take appropriate methods of dispute resolution for different situations arising from construction contract.